
Saturday, November 22, 2014


The D Notice.

It still exists.

It was used decades ago to hush up paedophilia in Whitehall...and still is.

The security services are facing questions over the cover-up of a Westminster paedophile ring as it emerged that files relating to official requests for media blackouts in the early 1980s were destroyed.

Two newspaper executives have told the Observer that their publications were issued with D-notices – warnings not to publish intelligence that might damage national security – when they sought to report on allegations of a powerful group of men engaging in child sex abuse in 1984. One executive said he had been accosted in his office by 15 uniformed and two non-uniformed police over a dossier on Westminster paedophiles passed to him by the former Labour cabinet minister Barbara Castle.

The other said that his newspaper had received a D-notice when a reporter sought to write about a police investigation into Elm Guest House, in southwest London, where a group of high-profile paedophiles was said to have operated and may have killed a child. Now it has emerged that these claims are impossible to verify or discount because the D-notice archives for that period “are not complete”.

[source : Media ‘gagged over bid to report MP child sex cases’, The Guardian,, 22nd November 2014]

If Ed Snowden was such a threat to national security then a D Notice would have been slapped on The Guardian. But no. The Guardian was 'allowed' to print The Snowden Revelations all of summer 2013 while it pushed for war on Syria without telling you of the plan revealed to General Wesley Clark.

So how has Snowden been used?

1. where are the weekly protests about total surveillance? Non-existent. We the people have become used to and apparently love being spied on, courtesy of Londonistan's al Qaeda and Celebrity Big Brother;
2. the heads of MI5, MI6 and GCHQ have been accusing Snowden of aiding the enemy, implying that The Snowden Revelations have harmed national security and that therefore they need more and stronger surveillance powers to beat al Qaeda and all those returning Britons who were encouraged to go to Syria courtesy of all the extremist Islamic preachers who MI5 allow to preach, such as Michael Adebalajo, because a Jihad against Assad is current British foreign policy.

They know the people couldn't give a fuck. The people only care about getting as much sex and as much money as possible.

Welcome to the human race!!

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