
Saturday, November 22, 2014


In OUR FATHERS AND GRANDFATHERS WOULD BE SO PROUD I shook my head in disbelief at what were becoming as a nation. We get up in the morning, feed the kids breakfast, drop them off at school, work the rest of the day, pick the kids up from school, eat tea, maybe a bit more work or help the kids with their homework, and then settle down for some entertainment.

And what 'entertainment' we have provided for us.

We can become the ultimate voyeurs and watch Big Brother, Celebrity or not, and spy on a bunch of people as they talk shit about shit and possibly have sex live on camera (as the producers hope to see).

We can follow the outrageously boring trivial and insignificant lives of a bunch of extremely vain men and women in Essex as they gossip and fight about who is screwing whom.

And then we can watch Z-list celebrities take showers in skimpy bikinis and then eat insects and animal penises while the presenters laugh their heads off in I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here (and as with CBB the producers are hoping for some live sex).

How much further can we degenerate?

Not for us the truth about the British Monarchy through Freemasonry and their Hofjuden engineering World War One and World War Two to create a world government.

Not for us the truth about 9/11 being an inside job to kick off a series of wars in North Africa and The Middle East which have been stalled by President Assad and the brave Syrian Arab Army and Syrian people, who as punishment for demanding their sovereignty have had the nastiest and most medieval cutthroat Jihadis unleashed onto them who are being sponsored by the headchopping Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

No. Our lot is acclimatisation to the total surveillance society, a slow conversion to becoming voyeurs and perverts, mindless gossip and eating animals penises.

Our fathers and grandfathers who went through hell for us would be so proud.

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