
Monday, November 10, 2014


The shooting down of MH17 was a crime against humanity.

The downing occured at a very fortuitous time for NATO and their masters.

NATO immediately claimed that Russia and the rebels in East Ukraine shot down MH17. They said that they have the evidence from sensors etc but have not provided this evidence.

Instead they have constantly referred to and relied on "social media", and in particular one Brown Moses who yesterday released a report on the shooting down of MH17. Brown Moses founded Belling Cat who have been scouring social media for evidence of what happened on MH17. About 5 people, that is all, about 5 people are credited at the end of the report.

Yet NATO has the following security services with all their rinky dinky super duper computer technology and very clever human resources at their disposal to do exactly what Brown Moses et al were doing but much, much quicker, yet do not appear to have used all that rinky dinky super duper computer technology and very clever human resources to have done what Brown Moses et al have done and produce a similar report within days MH17 being sot down:

In other words, the whole of the NATO intelligence apparatus could have been deployed, including all their rinky dinky super duper computer technology and many highly trained human resources, to prove using social media that the rebels shot MH17 down.

But it appears they have not. Why? Perhaps because they can't be bothered? Or they are incompetent? Or do not have the rinky dinky super duper computer technology we are led to believe they have?

Or because they know what happened and the truth is not so good.

They have instead relied on a bunch of civilians to scour the internet for months to find some kind of 'proof' and then proclaim it in their controlled media to be the truth.

With the death of Alexander Litvinenko, the accusation was that Russia did it. We were told the proof was there, but we can't see it. It has taken 8 years but we finally have some kind of inquiry into that death. But it is not public. A lot of it will be heard in secret.

And so it is with MH17. We are told that Russia did it, and that the proof exists but we can't see it, but we can see the 'evidence' provided by a small of group of concerned people who have scoured social media for months (something that the CIA, NSA etc could easily do in a day) and be told to believe that what they say is the truth?

You would think that NATO would be dying to prove Russia did it, and dedicate human and computer resources to at least copy the methods of Brown Moses, and you would assume improve them (after all the NSA etc are supposed to be really, really, really, really clever) in order to prove that Russia did it as soon as possible.

But for whatever reason they do not appear to be doing so, instead relying on Brown Moses et al to spend months scouring social media.

It does not compute.

Unless they know that the rebels didn't do it.

For example, why did the Ukraine Interior Minister state that the video of the BUK with missing missiles was shot in Krasnadon when it was allegedly shot in Luhansk, and when it is possible that the junction in Luhansk where that video was shot was under Kiev control at the time? It would explain why someone in contact with Kiev was filming at that place and time.

I think Belling Cat's report is provoking more questions than answering questions.

Which I think is good.

Both Kiev and Moscow have something to hide over MH17.

The question, did the rebels have a BUK from Russia on 17th July, has been answered.

It is now down to Kiev to come clean.

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