
Monday, November 10, 2014


The video allegedly filmed at Luhansk at the crack of dawn on 18th July shows at least one missing missile.

The assumption is that that BUK was the one seen in Sizhne on 17th July which is alleged to have shot down MH17.

What evidence is there that that BUK in that video is the one seen in Torez and Sizhne? It is only assumed to be. No identifying numbers have been provided and corroborated. But the red trailer and white cabin with distinctive blue stripes do suggest that it was being run by the rebels, one similar referred to in the Belling Cat report. However, the owner says that it had been stolen by the rebels. And was it unique, as he claims?

In all videos provided so far the covers are on all BUKs seen, thus hiding the number of missiles underneath the covers.

It was extremely fortuitous for a Ukraine Security Service agent or contact to be filming in Luhansk at the time and place. Someone either knew or suspected that something was going to go through that junction so early in the morning. I covered this yesterday.

But let us assume that that BUK was the one seen in Torez and Sizhne on 17th July. When was the missing missile fired?

According to the Belling Cat report:
The AP reported on August 25th that “On July 17, AP reporters in the town of Snizhne saw a tracked launcher with four SA-11 surface-to-air missiles parked on a street. The bulky missile system is also known as a Buk M-1. Three hours later, people six miles (10 kilometers) west of Snizhne heard loud noises and then saw the wreckage and bodies from Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 fall from the sky.” (Page 9)

Note that the AP reported that on 25th August, nearly six weeks after MH17 went down!

But on 17th July did AP reporters say they saw four missiles? No.

They reported that they saw seven tanks and a BUK but not that the BUK had four missiles! The four missiles claim was added much later. There is also some doubt about what precise time the 17th July AP report was submitted. See MH17 and the Associated Press (AP) for further details. Peter Leonard has some serious questions to answer. He appears to be the source of these claims and seems to embellish his reports as time goes by.

So taking sources from the Belling Cat report we cannot be sure that by the time the BUK seen in Torez and Sizhne arrived there that it had not already fired a missile, for whatever reason.

So onto another question: who controlled Luhansk on 18th July?

On the 16th and 17th July there were big battles around Donetsk and Luhansk. There is some dispute over who controlled the particular junction in Luhansk where this BUK was allegedly filmed on 18th July. See MH17: The Lugansk BUK video for further details.

And finally, where was the video filmed?

Well, initial claims from none other than Ukraine Interior Minister Arsen Avakov were that that video was filmed in Krasnodon, not Luhansk.


But ultimately who should we blame for MH17?

This time last year Ukraine was relatively stable. Ukraine was about to ignore a potential deal with the IMF/EU and instead sign a deal with Russia.

And then all hell broke loose...

A violent neo-Nazi NATO-sponsored coup was unleashed in Kiev. Victoria Nuland, wife of Neocon idiot Robert Kagan and the source of the PNAC wars since 9/11 and 9/11 istelf, admitted that the USA has spent over $5 billion fomenting revolution in Ukraine to bring it under IMF control, and that is in addition to the billions spent by Berezovsky and Soros. The neo-Nazis set buildings on fire, battered policemen, and eventually chased the legitimately elected government away. In the months afterwards they painted Nazi swastikas all over Ukraine, and their supporters burned alive over 50 anti-putsch protestors in Odessa.

Ukrainians in the East of Ukraine recognised the Nazi heritage of the putsch in Kiev and rebelled.

That is the cause of the civil war in Ukraine: the NATO/IMF cabal supported neo-Nazis to overthrow a legitimately elected government so that NATO could creep right up to Russia's borders and control Russia's pipelines to Europe, and the IMF could grab control of Ukraine's natural and human resources.

Without the civil war in Ukraine MH17 would not have been shot down.

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