
Friday, December 26, 2014


If you thought that watching Z-list celebrities in a house 24 hours a day while they perform inane tasks and possibly have sex with each other was the most ridiculous and bizarre TV series ever then think again. Because the BBC is about to launch an even more bizarre TV series called Prized Apart in which couples are flown thousands of miles apart and the winners are the couple who can stay apart the longest! To test each couples dedication to each other each couple is reunited every week and asked if they want to stay apart.

What will this breed in society?

Well, what did Big Brother accomplish? For a decade we have been watching and watching and watching and watching ordinary civilians and Z-list celebrities in Big Brother. This has led to acclimatisation of the Big Brother society in which we are all spied on all of the time. So what happens when Ed Snowden and Glenn Greenwald are plastered all over the front pages of The Guardian and The Washington Post for weeks with their revelations repeated in all other NATO media? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! Well, that's not quite true. Because while Glenn Greenwald has sat on 99% of The Snowden Revelations, just last week the NSA was granted virtually unlimited surveillance powers over American citizens. And here in the DFQ the heads of MI5, MI6 and GCHQ blubbed that the Snowden revelations have helped al Qaeda, when we created al Qaeda, unleashed them onto and have been supporting them in Syria and have even been encouraging Britons to go to Syria to fight alongside and be trained by al Qaeda so that they become a threat to national security on their return. Thanks to Big Brother we have become acclimatised to the total surveillance society, because how can we complain about being spied on for 24 hours a day if we watch other people for 24 hours a day, or watch videos of people in their houses?

This latest BBC bollocks will put the idea into society that perhaps we don't like our partners, that we can be without them, and thus lead to further divide and rule by the oligarchy and add to that societal breakdown we have experienced since about 1960.

And take note of the title: Prized Apart.

There is the implication that there is a prize in being apart, and that couples are being prised apart by the ruling class.

I don't like the look of this.

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