
Friday, December 26, 2014


The TTS Award for Report of the Year 2014 goes to ExaroNews for their report

Police privately admit cover up for paedophile MPs and VIPs

in which they reported evidence gathered intelligence from a private forum of police officers that several scandals involving MP and VIP paedophiles were ordered shut down from the top.

This should have been headline news the following Monday, and should still be headline news.

But it wasn't. Only two minor newspapers covered it, and it was another week before one of the mainstream newspapers covered it.

And it still isn't.

Today we have Emma Watson is going topless and Kym Marsh allegedly fiddling £ 15k.

But remember what happened during the summer of 2013? These two fellas Ed Snowden and Glenn Greenwald were on the front pages of The Guardian and The Washington Post for weeks, with their revelations reported in every other NATO media outlet daily.

This should indicate that they don't want us to know that we are run by paedos but wanted us to know that we were being spied on. And then Snowden and Greenwald were blamed for assisting al Qaeda and their allies in Syria by their revelations, when we created al Qaeda and have been supporting al Qaeda in Syria!! And what was requested because of this? That the spies be given more surveillance powers!!

And another thing: would you believe our government if you knew it was riddled with paedos?

Would you believe them when they said that the war on Syria is for freedom, democracy and human rights being fought by moderate groups of Syrians and that it is not a war fought by international cutthroat Jihadis financed by Saudi Arabia for a pipeline from Qatar to Europe through Saudi Arabia and Turkey and that 9/11 was done partly for this war?

Would you believe them when they said that the war in Ukraine is being fought by downtrodden masses of Ukrainians against Russophile terrorists and not by violent NATO-sponsored neo-Nazis against a concerned citizenry alarmed at the IMF neo-Nazi fascism that is now being implemented and even recognised by the citizens of Kiev, and which has just run a violent neo-Nazi NATO/IMF/EU coup against their legitimately elected government?

Well. This is what is happening. In both of the above cases we are told the former when the reality is the latter. But at the same time investigations into MP and VIP paedo rings are unreported and shut down.

Some people cannot or refuse to understand that we are run by paedos who lie to us all the time.

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