
Friday, December 05, 2014


The Bilderberg Washington Post is proposing a safe zone inside Syria along the Syria-Turkey border.
The Post’s Karen DeYoung reported that U.S. officials are discussing the creation of a de facto safe zone along the Turkish border, perhaps 20 miles deep and 100 miles long, that the rebels could hold with the help of U.S. and allied airstrikes and Turkish special forces. The border strip, which extends toward the besieged, Kurdish-held town of Kobane, is currently controlled by forces from the Islamic State. But the strategy would include deterring Syrian government aircraft from entering the area, shielding it from bombing raids.

The safe zone could allow the entry into Syria of political exiles attempting to set up a badly needed alternative to the Assad government. It could also give breathing room to the moderate Free Syrian Army. In recent weeks its forces in Aleppo have been hemmed in by the regime, which captured one of the two remaining road routes into rebel-held districts. Meanwhile, the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra front has captured parts of Idlib province, south and west of Aleppo, driving out Free Syrian Army forces.

[source : A safe zone in Syria would be a forward step in the Islamic State fight, Washington Post,, 5th December 2014]

A safe zone to protect the Syrian rebels from the Syrian Arab Army?

And the USAF would be used to protect the rebels by enforcing a No Fly Zone?

But I thought the USAF was supposed to be bombing Islamic State headchoppers?

Ooops. Silly me. The USAF is making air drops to supply Islamic State headchoppers, as reported by Iraq intelligence.

But this is nothing to be concerned about. This is just one more tiptoe to war on Assad. That's why Islamic State was allowed to be created with a Rolex-wearing graduate of Guantanamo Bay as its leader.

It is all such a sad and sick farce.

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