
Saturday, December 06, 2014


Nafeez Ahmed writes a devastating article exposing Israel's true reason for its persecution of the children of Gaza over the summer and Ahmed is told by The Guardian to stop writing.

Yet alleged anti-war writers such as Owen Jones and Seamas Milne still write on The Guardian website.

Why do Jones and Milne still write for The Guardian?

Why does The Guardian still allow them?

Jones and Milne have as yet not shown any sign of protest or even of being disturbed at this blatant act of censorship in the name of Israel.

The Guardian is as pro-Israel a newspaper you will find in the UK. But you won't notice it because of people like Jones and Milne who give that paper an air of left-wing respectability with their alleged anti-war position.

Well, here is just a quick reminder:
1. Israel killed over 2000 people, including over 500 children, over the summer with barely a whisper of condemnation from Callous Cameron, and it took Red Ed over a week and hundreds of dead before he spoke out;
2. Stop The War is run by a rabid pro-abortionist who continues to protect the British monarchy from being prosecuted for engineering and executing World War One by pushing the it-was-going-to-happen-anyway theory and is an apologist for the wars since 9/11 by pushing the absurd Osama-bin-Laden-did-it-all-on-his-own bollocks when there are videos of General Wesley Clark exposing the conspiracy;
3. After the blatant false flag at Ghouta in August last year in order to provoke war on Syria (an event that I predicted but could not provide a location beforehand) it was The Guardian and The Observer who through their editorials pushed for war on Syria, not once considering the geopolitics of the war on Syria, the fact that the rebels had chemical weapons and had threatened to use them (all on video!!!!), and the sheer lunacy and insult to logic that Assad would provide the perfect casus belli for NATO to bomb the shit out of Syria. The editorials also exposed the ecstasy of The Guardian at Syria giving up its chemical weapons while not once mentioning Israel's far superior arsenal of devastating nuclear, chemical and biological WMDs. See THE GUARDIAN AND ITS ROLE IN ACCUSING ASSAD AND PUSHING FOR WAR ON SYRIA for a detailed analysis of these editorials.

There is something in all this for people to think about.

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