
Friday, December 26, 2014


Although it is Christmas and New Year the newspapers are still printing 'news'.

The Guardian is reporting on City Link going bust.

The Daily Mail is reporting on Boxing Day sales.

The Daily Mirror is reporting on...Boxing Day sales.

The Independent is reporting on the tsuanmi of 2004.

The Daily Telegraph is reporting on how the British economy is the fifth largest in the world because we include sex and drugs.

The Sun is reporting on Kym Marsh, and some poor fella who cheated on his apparently gorgeous fiancee and he wants her back (1,2,3...aawwww).

The FT is reporting on Russia bailing out a Russian bank (what did we do 6 years ago, and Russia is under financial and soon terrorist attack when NATO unleashes the Chechens again).

Sky News is focusing on the tsunami of 2004.

And The Daily Star reports the festive news that Emma Watson is going topless.

But where is the Whitehall paedo scandal?

IT HAS BEEN CRUCIFIED (but in secret)!!

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