
Tuesday, March 10, 2015


So far the theories regarding how MH17 was shot down are:
1. Ukraine Security Service who actually released tapes on Youtube of alleged intercepted phone calls which they say prove 100% beyond doubt that MH17 was shot down by Cossacks from Chernukino;
2. Belling Cat who, based on a few videos and a photograph, say that a BUK was launched from a field 5 Km south of Shnizhne;
3. the US State Department who, based on 'sensors', say the launch site was in the Shnizhne area;
4. Der Spiegel and Correctiv (with Belling Cat as co-authors!) who say, based on eyewitnesses who will not go on camera, that the launch site was a field 3 Km north of Shnizhne;
5. Russia who, based on eyewitnesses who went on camera immediately after MH17 was shot down and have been doing so ever since, say that MH17 was shot down by a fighter jet which was waiting for Putin's plane (which had a livery very, very, very, very, very similar to MH17) to fly to Rostov on its way back from Brazil after Putin had agreed the formation of the BRICS development bank, but Putin's plane changed destination but they forgot to inform the Ukraine Air Force.

Now, why is the Ukraine Air Force being very, very, very, very coy about its activities on 17th July 2014?



8 months later.


And why are there so many competing and contradictory theories from the Russia-did-it side, yet there is just one consistent theory backed up by many eyewitnesses who are prepared to go on camera and the very incriminating silence from the Ukraine Air Force, that Ukraine shot down MH17 because the globalists wanted Putin dead for a number of reasons: BRICS development bank; stopping war on and supporting Syria; resistance to Ukraine joining NATO.

Ukraine could kill all the speculation if it opened up its records and logs of 17th July 2014 for inspection.

Yet nearly 8 months later and they still haven't done so.

And far from being 'investigative journalists', the NATO media has consistently pursued and pushed just one possibility, that Russia shot down MH17, while ignoring other possibilities which have evidence supporting them, e.g. the Ukraine Air Force.

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