
Tuesday, March 10, 2015


What a clown Foreign Secretary Phil Hammond is. It isn't Red Nose Day until Friday. But that didn't stop Hammond performing at the RUSI today, giving a comical speech to entertain the spectators.

I have not yet found the full text of his speech today, but from reports in for example The Guardian here is what Hammond joked about:
1. British Intelligence is innocent of all wrongdoing regarding Islamic extremism and should be given all necessary powers to keep us safe from the Islamic terrorists;
2. Russia is the biggest threat to the world.

Now, you don't need me to point out the jokes. I have covered them at length here many, many times:
1. there was a Covenant of Security between British Intelligence and the Islamic terrorists which allowed the terrorists to operate out of and openly recruit in London as long as their activities coincided with British foreign policy. It is current British foreign policy to oust President Bashar al Assad of Syria, as per an initial plan drawn up before 9/11 for a series of wars in North Africa and the Middle East. But that plan isn't going so well. Four years after the US State Department's fake Arab Spring erupted in Syria, Assad is still there and with the support of the vast majority of the Syrian people. This is why the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia unleashed international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, and why the British asked Roland Dumas to help them smuggle those Jihadis into Syria, and why Michael Adebalajo was allowed to preach Jihad against Assad, and why Jihadi John was allowed to travel to Syria. But those Jihadis who are unwittingly currently being used as a proxy force now will return to this corrupt Disunited Fascist Queendom. and present a threat to national security. So when those Jihadis return they will serve the secondary purpose, which is to provoke calls for a stronger police state. Beautiful, innit? And now to point 2.
2. Assad has one very powerful ally in Russia. This alliance is probably to do with a pipeline from the Pars natural gas field. But Putin has pointed out that terrorists have been openly recruiting in Londonistan, or London as it otherwise known. And Putin has been pointing out the barbaric nature of the international cutthroat Jihadis that have been unleashed onto Syria as per The Redirection reported by Seymour Hersh years before it occured. But even that plan has stalled. So Islamic State was allowed to rise and will be used in whatever barbaric way is necessary to oust Assad. But why Russia, and in particular Putin? Putin blocked the plan for war on Syria in 2013 after Prince Bandar's false flag at Ghouta, which was supposed to provoke calls for war on Syria because Assad was then and still is in power, contrary to the wishes of the globalists. And just yesterday Russia ratified the BRICS development bank. This is a massive threat to the Federal Reserve/ IMF/World Bank apparatus of international finance that has strangled the planet's development to the benefit of the Anglo-American Establishment. Putin has somehow become the figurehead of this BRICS organisation, and as such is the target of some ridiculous propaganda, the latest being that he is none other than Jihadi John. Before that was the headline in The Sun when MH17 came down: Putin's Missile. That was in July last year, nearly 8 months ago, and there is still no evidence to prove that claim. Lots of claims and allegations and propaganda but no evidence. RT even interviewed a member of the MH17 investigation team just a few days ago and he said that no such conclusion has been made. And no NATO military intelligence unit has presented any evidence to back that claim up either. But thanks to the likes of the NATO media and Belling Cat there has been something for the politicians to use, no matter how unproven and how speculative it is, in order to place sanctions on Russia.

I ask: has anyone proved yet that MH17 was shot down by a BUK supplied by Russia?

Er, nope.

British foreign policy has been a fucking disaster since 9/11. We invaded Iraq, bombed Libya and have supported international cutthroat Jihadis in Syria. The result has been Islamic State. In Ukraine we have been supporting bona fide Nazis as they burned people alive in Odessa and indiscriminately shelling civilians in East Ukraine, just so that NATO can finally drag Ukraine into NATO, and provoke nuclear Russia even further. And last year as Israel murdered over 500 Palestinian children, some for the horrific crime of playing football on the beach, we said and did nothing to stop it.


And Hammond as Foreign Secretary is propagating that disaster even further.

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