
Tuesday, March 24, 2015


I just watched Liz Wahl and Eliot Higgins at that SKUP conference talking about propaganda, in particular Russian propaganda.

The naivete of these two clowns is breathtaking!!

Neither have addressed neither the existence or the contents of the videos of General Wesley Clark revealing the plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years, all of whom had zilch to do with 9/11.

Here is Clark on one of those videos that has been posted on social media for years:

Wahl spoke about Russian foreign policy. But what about all that from Clark?

We here in the DFQ were told that Iraq was involved in 9/11 and had WMDs aimed at our backyard barbecues. We went to war in 2003 in Iraq, killing at least a half million civilians, having already killed that many in the previous decade through sanctions and air strikes. The propaganda involved in selling that 2003 war was incredible. Did Wahl or Higgins even mention that never mind address it? Er, nope. And Iraq is just one of the seven wars planned. We've had wars on Iraq (2003), Lebanon (2006), Libya (2011) and a long proxy war on Syria since 2011 involving the sadistic unleashing of the nastiest, most barbaric international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria and her children, who because they couldn't do the job were allowed to morph into that medieval murder cult Islamic State!!

And because Putin had (a) stopped the planned war on Syria in 2013 after Bandar's failed false flag at Ghouta, and (b) persuaded Yanukovich to sign a deal with Russia, the USA/NATO unleashed neo-Nazis in Ukraine to overthrow Yanukovich and put their man "Yats" in to power. In response, after a referendum in Crimea the citizens there voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia. Civilians in East Ukraine have also recognised this Nazism and rebelled.

In other words, the USA/NATO is on the march: in Iraq; in Libya; in Syria; in Ukraine.

Yet Putin is labelled the aggressor, the imperialist, the tyrant.

But didn't we go to war against the Nazis in World War 2?

Wasn't Russia our ally against Nazism then?

The propaganda required to keep all this from a dumbed-down NATO public is absolutely massive.

Wahl and Higgins should urgently address the statements of General Wesley Clark above. His statements reveal a plan that has dominated the foreign policies of the USA, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya and many others. And without that plan and the diabolical decision to execute it there might not have been wars in Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Syria and Ukraine: no barrel bombs on Aleppo; no MH17 being shot down; no cannibals eating the hearts of their prisoners; and no mass executions of Syrian military officers trying to protect the children of Syria from Saudi-sponsored cutthroats!!

And more importantly to Wahl, no propaganda.

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