
Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Eliot Higgins has called me a "nutty blogger" who is "obsessed" with him

NB Higgins did not question the history in that blog.

All I did in that blog yesterday was point out that, contrary to Higgins' belief, The Bavarian Illuminati really did exist, they really did ally with Freemasonry and had plans for world government. Whether they still exist now I am not sure, but there is some evidence to suggest that they, or at least their ideas, live on in the British monarchy.

Anyway, in that blog yesterday I mentioned Freemasonry and World War 1. I have posted on this many times. Perhaps the most concise post on this is SLAM DUNK EVIDENCE THAT WORLD WAR ONE WAS A BLOODY BRITISH FREEMASONIC CONSPIRACY. But since posting that a further piece of evidence supporting this conspiracy has come to light. Last year a letter was found written by King George V to Sir Edward Grey. In that letter King George V, having told Kaiser Wilhelm II that Great Britain would stay out of any war on the continent, thus encouraging Germany and thus Russia to mobilisation, told Sir Edward Grey to get Great Britain into any subsequent war. The general thesis is that the British monarchy through Freemasonry engineered The Triple Entente, the British Foreign Office deployed agents to cause unrest and tension in the Balkans, Freemasons assassinated Ferdinand having been given the materials by Freemasons, the British then acted neutral which encouraged Germany and the rest to mobilisation, but as soon as Germany invaded Belgium Sir Edward Grey cited the inappropriate 1839 Treaty of London which Great Britain was not obliged to honour unilaterally. It was all a trap!!

Now, is it nutty to expose this? That it was our very own monarchy and government that engineered and executed WW1? In the same corridors of power that are now infested with paedophiles and murderers who are being protected by the intelligence services?

But with the British monarchy and government exposed as the instigators of World War 1 then today's geopolitical machinations can and must be seen in a completely different light.

Take Syria.

I have blogged numerous times on Syria. Shortly after 9/11 General Wesley Clark was told of a plan for war on seven nations in five years: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia. By 2007 this plan was moribund so the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia agreed that the latter would unleash the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Iran and Lebanon. Roland Dumas was asked by the British in 2009 to plan smuggling of those Jihadis into Syria. The Arab Spring was run by the US State Department to provide cover those nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis as 'freedom fighters'. In 2011 that fake Arab Spring erupted in Libya and Syria. After NATO had been AQIM's air force and UN SCR 1973 had been abused to become a Get-Gaddafi campaign (see the plan revealed to General Wesley Clark) those nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis were smuggled into Syria via Turkey and Lebanon. But even that plan has failed. So in 2013 Prince Bandar threatened Putin that if Putin didn't dump Assad then Bandar would unleash hell in Syria. Putin didn't dump Assad. On 21st August Bandar unleashed hell in Ghouta. But Bandar's Ghouta false flag failed to provoke the war on Syria so that the plan could move onto Iran. So Islamic State was allowed to come to power (see NATO INTELLIGENCE WERE TOLD OF ISIS PLAN TO INVADE IRAQ MONTHS AGO). Islamic State will be used to oust Assad in any way that will work. The warmongers are really desperate now. And the reason for wanting Assad is out is to get a pipeline built from the Pars field starting in Qatar through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey with a line to Israel, while Assad wants a pipeline from the Pars field starting in Iran through Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. The final destination is Europe but Assad has said that his chosen pipeline will not threaten Russia's business in Europe, while NATO wants the Qatar pipeline to destroy Russia's business with Europe.

And as for Ukraine, Yanukovich wanted to do a deal with Russia, so the NATO/EU/IMF cabal unleashed neo-Nazis, they provoked a violent revolution by shooting protestors and police from the Conservatory (this is admitted on film and backed up by photographic evidence), Victoria Kagan-Nuland (wife of the bona fide nutty Robert Kagan, the 'mastermind' behind the wars after 9/11) hand-picked NATO-sponsored "Yats" to be PM, a former senior member of the US Embassy in Kiev is now Ukraine Finance Minister, she sold out Ukraine to Monsanto and the IMF, and Ukraine is closer to joining NATO.

Once you know and understand that there is a cabal prepared to plan and execute such atrocities such as WW1 and wars and regime change in seven nations in five years involving unleashing the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syrian children then you do not automatically believe but instead question everything that the NATO media tells you...particularly when their current actions are provoking a nation with a massive nuclear arsenal into threatening to use that arsenal, possibly against us.

And Putin is the target of a massive NATO black propaganda campaign not because he is Satan incarnate but because he has become the public face of a resistance to the financial powers (you know, the Federal Reserve system which just screwed the world economy) known as the BRICS and their new development bank: damage Putin and the momentum behind that resistance might crumble.

Nutty is blowing 520 Palestinian children to bits, some for no other reason than for playing football on a beach.

Nutty is unleashing the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto children.

Nutty is allowing the rise of Islamic State.

And yes, I am obsessed. But not with Higgins.

I am obsessed with stopping world war by putting today's current geopolitical events in a historical context.

There is no kiddie-fiddling-and-murdering scandal in Russia, but there is in London where World War One (and two for that matter) was planned. Coincidence?

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