
Sunday, May 17, 2015


Michael Usher of NineMSN just presented a 'documentary' on MH17. His only source appears to be Eliot Higgins.

A few hours ago I posted some reports of Usher's while he was with the British Army as they invaded Iraq in 2003. I trust you can see his obvious adoration of the British Army as liberators and protectors of a grateful if criminal Iraq public who need the British Army to restore law and order and all that. Pity that we turned Iraq into an unstable shit hole with Islamic State sawing off the heads of anything that moves, with citizens of the UK and Australia somehow being able to fly to NATO member Turkey to join Islamic State, who are then used as the excuse to introduce draconian surveillance laws.

But Usher works for Nine Network. What did Nine Network say about Syria, in particular Ghouta?

Well, here is an 'expert' that Nine Network used after Ghouta. Note that this 'expert', Rodger Shanahan:
1. was in the Australian Parachute Battalion Group;
2. worked at the Australian Embassy to Saudi Arabia;
3. says fuck all about the plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years as revealed to General Wesley Clark;
4. says fuck all about The Redirection as reported by Seymour Hersh in 2007 in which Hersh stated that Saudi Arabia would unleash the worst international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria;
5. does not mention Saudi Arabia once in this interview, even though Prince Bandar had threatened to unleash hell in Syria if Putin didn't dump Assad;
6. finally calls for war on Syria.

Weekend Today | Syria Crisis | 31 August 2013

Are you beginning to understand why Nine Network and Usher basically used Belling Cat's work, reporting it as fact when it is merely suggestion, not considering any other possibility?

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