
Sunday, May 17, 2015


I trust that you have all had time to watch the NineMSN 'documentary' presented by pro-British Army reporter Michael Usher working for warmongering Nine Network. That 'documentary' focused on just one possibility: that MH17 was shot down by a BUK missile fired from a field 5Km south of Shnizhne. Usher states with theatrical certainty that this is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.


From just one source?

And that source works in alliance with The Atlantic Council (NATO), USAID (CIA) and Open Society Foundation (Rothschild agent George Soros)?

Well how about this report by none other than the BBC.

But the BBC pulled it. Why? Well, watch and learn: multiple witnesses state on camera that fighter jets were close to MH17 when it came down. Others say the jets were using the civilian passenger planes as cover.

And what is even more biased is that earlier this week Higgins posted a video of yet another eyewitness who saw something, not sure if it was a jet or a missile. However the witness states that whatever it was came from behind MH17! And who interviewed the guy? Paris Match, the source of the photo that Belling Cat and others use.

And not only that. Yesterday Higgins tweeted two reports claiming to cite witnesses who saw all manner of things: missiles fired from separatist controlled territory; missiles fired from Ukrainian controlled territory; fighter jets; nothing at all. He gloated that nobody in the first report from De Volksrant was quoted saying they saw a fighter jet. But the second from NOS did! But can you guess which report Higgins is directing readers to? Yep. The De Volksrant report that doesn't mention jets.

Here is the report the BBC pulled. Hmm. I wonder if they pulled it because people state they and everyone else saw jets? And that other planes have been using civilian passenger planes as cover?

Remember. Many people have gone on camera to state they saw fighter jets close to MH17. But the NATO media doesn't want you to know. They only want you to know 'the truth' from blinkered Belling Cat who are now openly working for The Atlantic Council (NATO), USAID (CIA) and Open Society Foundation (Rothschild agent George Soros).

PS that Ukraine Govt spokesman looks a bit unsettled. The SBU said Cossacks at Chernukino shot down MH17 yet he has to rant about Shnizhne.

I've asked this question before: who would be guilty of MH17 if separatists did indeed shoot down MH17 but the Ukraine Air Force was flying close to MH17 to make it look like an Antonov AN26, or using MH17 as cover for a bombing raid?

Is that why the NATO media and their gimps are completely erasing from history and ignoring all statements of eyewitnesses seeing fighter jets when MH17 came down?

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