
Sunday, June 21, 2015


They had plenty of time to ask just one question of any substance, but they didn't. They were more concerned about my penis and calling me names behind my back than ask me questions about what was going on in the world, and that was after I gave them some clues about how the world works.

So forgive and forget?


I would consider forgiving and forgetting if:
1. they told me every single name they have called me behind my back instead of trying to talk to me and showed any concern by asking me questions about how the world works, even when I told one of their most social animals!;
2. they apologised for passing those reports onto God knows who WITHOUT MY FUCKING PERMISSION while they treat me like I am a piece of shit and ignore me while I walk around with a massive target on my back as I try to help and protect them and their children from a cabal of megalomaniac paedophile warmongering scum.

Until then I reserve the right to refer to them as I please.

Because what I say is the truth, Ruth.

And if I am not then start a blog or twitter of your own and put your collective side of the story...

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