
Sunday, June 21, 2015


I have just watched again the film The Lives of Others on DVD.


I kid you not: what is the difference between the UK now and East Germany then?

Most of us cheered when the Berlin Wall came down believing we would all be free.

What is going down in the UK is'ya know what? I can't be arsed.

I'll hand over to a bunch of apathetic teachers to tell you what's going down...because d'ya know what? Teacher knows best. Teacher actually doesn't care but knows best. That's why they never ask any questions about global events but instead bask in their and in each others vanity, demanding that the children do this and do that and obey their every whim while ignoring repeated requests to delete reports from their author (who they ostracise) on how the world works. Teacher only acts when teacher is embarrassed and needs to save their arse after pretending to care about other people's children but are found out that in reality they don't.

Parents really should ask to sit in on discussions in the staff rooms during break and dinner times. Believe me: parents evening? Fake!! Chats in the staffroom consist of boring irrelevant crap such as nice recipes and nice locations for holidays; some but not many questions on how to teach a subject; and quite a lot of ridicule of the children. This is partially why I did not join the teaching profession. My impression is that they care about teaching only as a job, something to provide an income while making themselves feel good and satisfying the liars of the state.

Can you believe that GCHQ has its own lodge and that just a few years ago that lodge appointed as its Worshipful Master a convicted paedophile who was membership secretary of the Peadophile Information Exchange?!

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