
Tuesday, July 07, 2015


There's this 'app' called Whisper to enable confessions, and having abortions has become one of the confessions. And I say abortions (plural) because there are some who confess to having multiple abortions. Here are some of the confessions:
I've had 5 abortions because I love getting pregnant but just not ready for kids.

I had an abortion a week ago. I don't feel the slightest bit of guilt, I even went out to a club on the same day.

I've had two abortions in two years. I keep waiting for the guilt to come, but so far I feel nothing.

I've had 5 abortions and I don't feel bad or sad about any of them I was kinda happy.

[source : 'I love getting pregnant but I'm not ready for kids': Women share their frank and shocking confessions on secrets app about having 'guilt-free' abortions, Daily Mail,, 7th July 2015]

I posted a few weeks ago an article in The Guardian in which an abortion doctor stated that she had aborted 21 babies, and at the end of the day went home and had a glass of wine.

A few months ago it was reported that in the USA unborn babies suffer a 9/11 everyday; approximately 3000 unborn children are aborted EVERY DAY in the USA, most because the child was 'inconvenient'.

This is why several plane can fly into buildings, killing 3000 people, and very few ask any questions, even now, nearly 14 years later!!

This is why Saudi Arabia can unleash the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, who are then allowed to morph into Islamic State.

This is why NATO can break its promises, ignore its initial reasons for existing, and piss on the graves of all those who died fighting the Nazis, and use neo-Nazis in a violent coup in Ukraine to oust a legitimately elected government and install one of their puppets, who in turn packed his junta with neo-Nazis, who the launched a war on civilians in East Ukraine, a war which continues to this day, and a war which has led to the downing of MH17 and the deaths of 7000 civilians in East Ukraine.

The people would rather fuck, thank you very much.

They'd rather fuck and fight...and that's just the female teachers!!

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