
Tuesday, July 07, 2015


If you follow the link to Infowars you will find a video that scares the shit out of you that "political Islam" is going to take over Europe. The reporter is Ezra Levant, not from Infowars but of a Canadian outfit called Rebel Media. Levant founded Rebel Media earlier this year through a crowdfunding drive.

So as always, ask:
1. who?
2. why?

So, regarding who is Levant? All I need say is that he organised a rally in Calgary, Canada in July last year in support of Israel as Israel was destroying Gaza and murdering over 2000 civilians in Gaza, 520 of whom were children. Levant had previously worked for Sun News in Canada, where he was blatantly pro-Israel.

And regarding why now? The Iran nuclear peace talks are concluding and it is possible that no deal will be reached. Discrediting Mogherini at this particular time could torpedo those talks and lead to Israel using the USA to start war on Iran.

And regarding Rebel Media, there is a strong hint of pro-Israel, pro-Confederacy about some of their reports. For example, one report gives five reasons why the Confederate flag, the Stars and Bars, should not be banned. In that report the presenter says the Civil War was not about slavery. But as I pointed out last week, the states who seceded wrote themselves that slavery was the reason why they seceded: not tariffs; not states rights; but their freedom to keep slaves. And it was they who fired the first shot at Fort Sumter.

So I'd be a bit cautious about Levant. Anyone who supports Israel murdering 520 children is a sociopath.

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