
Wednesday, November 18, 2015


For over a year the glorious allies, the USA, UK and Saudi Arabia, and without an invitation from President Assad of Syria or authorisation from the UN, have been claiming to bomb Islamic State, yet Islamic State has grown, and despite the number of warnings issued by MI5 etc, Islamic State has not retaliated.

But after just one month of Russia, at the invitation of President Assad of Syria, bombing Islamic State there has been a retaliation from Islamic State in the form of a bomb in the form of a soft drinks can(?) on a Russian passenger plane over Sinai, even though NATO's intelligence department aka Bellingcat claim that Russia has not been bombing Islamic State but has been bombing the 'moderate rebels' opposed to Assad.

And even though France has done little so far in Syria, a known Belgian national terrorist was able to plan a terrorist attack on Paris (why not Brussels?) using known Jihadis from a base in Brussels known as Jihadi Central which is just a few miles from the NATO HQ, which has resulted in turning a sceptical French population into supporting war in Syria.

And over the weekend it is reported that President Putin revealed to the G20 who has been financing Islamic State.

Putin's decision to directly intervene in Syria has certainly put the cat among the NATO pigeons.

All of a sudden everyone (or almost) is rushing to destroy Islamic State.

Or at least claim to...

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