
Thursday, November 19, 2015


The list of names of bona fide people who are suspects in the Paris terror are:
Bilal Hadfi, 20 - French (living in Belgium)

Ismaël Omar Mostefaï, 29 - French

Samy Amimour, 28 - French

Ibrahim Abdeslam, 31 - French (living in Belgium)

Salah Abdeslam, 26 - French (living in Belgium)

Hamza Attou, 21 - Belgian

Mohamed Amri, 27 - Belgian (born in Morocco)

Abdelhamid Abaaoud, 27 - Belgian

[source : Paris attacks: The eight terror suspects named so far are not refugees and all have EU passports, The Independent, 18th November 2015]

The ninth suspect is as yet unidentified but a passport bearing the name of a former member of the Syrian Arab Army who was arrested in Serbia was found and apparently a fingerprint resembles one taken from whoever registered the passport in Greece.

So as yet this is not exactly the wave of terror from the wave tsunami of immigrants that was forecast. Yes, the Paris terror cell do have North African and Middle East backgrounds.

But the Paris terror cell was based in Belgium. And not just anywhere in Belgium, but a known suburb of Brussels called Molenbeek, aka Jihadistan, which is just a few miles from the HQ of NATO. And not only that:
1. Molenbeek has gained that reputation because it has been linked to several terror plots in the last few years;
2. several of the suspects in the Paris terror were known to the security services;
3. the alleged mastermind somehow to escape to Syria from Belgium following a shootout with police, where he then joined Islamic State;
4. and he was thought to be in Syria but is now thought to be in Paris, and if so then how fuck did he get to Paris undetected?

But why not attack Brussels?

And how could this cell plot and execute this from right under the noses of NATO from NATO's backyard?

Is there a Covenant of Security between the Belgian Islamic extremists and the Belgian/NATO intelligence as there is/was in the UK?

It has to because:
1. NATO ran Operation Gladio, in which white right wing extremists bombed civilians and their counterparts in law enforcement blamed Communists;
2. along with other NATO nations such as the UK, Belgium has been encouraging Jihadis to go to Syria to wage Jihad against President Assad of Syria, and we know this because Michael Adebalajo was being harassed into becoming an agent for MI5 while they let him on the streets of London preach violent Jihad against Assad and encourage Jihadis to go to Syria.

And now those Jihadis are coming back they are being used as an excuse for more surveillance and more war.

But remember the early reports that some as young as 15 were involved in the Paris terror? What happened to them?

So far only 4 confirmed terrorists from Friday. Who were the rest?

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