
Saturday, February 06, 2016


Throughout the second half of 2015 PJW and Infowars in general attacked the generally Islamic refugees entering Europe, fearmongering that they were all Islamic State terrorists. There has only been one terrorist attack, that in Paris on Friday 13th November. But it has since come to light that the cell operated from a suburb of Brussels, the home of NATO, and that the cell had been tracked by Belgian intelligence for years!! NATO had earlier run Operation Gladio to terrorise Europe into taking a lurch to the right (politically). But this didn't stop Infowars. To them it was 'them mooslims, they're all shitty raping terrorists'.

In the USA there was an event at San Bernadino. Again, to Infowars it was 'them mooslims, they're all shitty raping terrorists', despite multiple witnesses saying that several white men did the shooting.

And Infowars know that most, if not all, terrorism is state-sponsored: from the CIA and MI6 running al Qaeda, through to Gladio, to helping bmobers get through security and onto planes, to the FBI infiltrating muslim groups and instigating and aiding terror plots to give the impression that all muslims are terrorists and that FBI is on the case but they need more surveillance powers.

In this latest video, Jones has just posted this video about the FBI infiltrating militias to provoke events.

But does Jones excuse the FBI, as he does when the FBI runs a sting on a retarded muslim, and point his finger at the militia, shouting, "It's them militia"?


He accuses the FBI of creating their own militia and leading it down a hellhole!

So why accuse Muslims when he knows that their terrorism is state-sponsored, barely mentioning the FBI, but not accuse militia when their terrorism is state-sponsored, as he clearly states that the feds set it all up?

And I state 'inherent' because his ancestors were generals and colonels in the Confederate Army.

I escaped from his cave.

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