
Sunday, February 07, 2016


Saudi Arabia, as a tool of the British Empah, was involved in 9/11, and through The Redirection, as reported by Seymour Hersh in March 2007, has unleashed the worst international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria and Lebanon to inject some life into a plan that had become moribund. That plan was for war and regime change in seven countries in five years: Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

But as even that plan has faltered, Saudi Arabia is now threatening to unleash its own ground troops onto Syria!!

But Donald Gump, under the tutelage of Alex Jones, still believes that it is Iran who is the aggressor in the Middle East, and he has also stated that he would support Saudi Arabia (as well as his beloved Israel, who is also in on The Redirection) but would expect a bit more in return from the Saudi headchoppers than they have been giving so far (whatever that means).

Saudi Arabia is one of the most barbaraic and medieval nations on God's green Earth and was created by the British Empah.

Last night Gump restated his support for waterboarding, and even stated that he would bring it back and worse!!

"I would bring back waterboarding," he said Saturday night at a Republican debate in New Hampshire. "And I would bring back a hell of a lot worse."

[source : Trump on using waterboarding: I'll do much worse than that, USA Today,, 6th February 2016]

Gump had earlier stated something similar in November last year.

Donald Trump touted the benefits of waterboarding in a campaign rally on Monday night, telling a crowd that “you bet your ass” he would bring it back into use.

Addressing thousands of people in Columbus, Ohio, the Republican frontrunner praised waterboarding, an interrogation method that has been called torture. “I would approve more than that,” he said.

Trump told supporters: “Would I approve waterboarding? You bet your ass I would. In a heartbeat. I would approve more than that. It works.”

The Republican frontrunner then added “...and if it doesn’t work, they deserve it anyway for what they do to us”.

[source : Donald Trump on waterboarding: 'Even if it doesn't work they deserve it', The Guardian,, 24th November 2015]

But torture doesn't work! The tortured will say anything to stop the torture. It really is that simple.

And look at Gump's concern for due process: “...and if it doesn’t work, they deserve it anyway for what they do to us”.

The guy is a white, very rich, very privileged American male with more than a whiff of racism about him.

And also last night Jeb Bush cited a case in which Gump used eminent domain to kick an old lady off her land so that he could build a parking lot for his customers to park their limousines while they stayed at his hotel!!

It is a bit rich for Bush to be using this. After all, it was he who as Governor of Florida engineered Florida backing W in 2000, an act that led to 9/11 and all the wars since.

So in this respect, Gump is perhaps the lesser of two evils. But Gump's support for Saudi Arabia and Israel has me very, very concerned that although he may not be a member of an establishment family, such as Bush or Clinton, he is not that much distinct from them at all.

But is this what makes America great? Brothels, racism, profiteering off WW2 veterans, and now abusing eminent domain so that rich fuckers can park their limousines?

Come on!!

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