
Monday, February 01, 2016


If you can be arsed to look at Truth Revolt you find a network of Zionist links, all funded by the David Horowitz Freedom Center : School for Political Warfare.

I don't think I need to go any further than the surname Horowitz: Zionist.

Remember : Zionism is a pro-Judaism, anti-Muslim movement to bring about a Jewish State of Eretz Israel that some but not all Jews have longed for for thousands of years, but the Rothschilds have been working for since the late 18th Century when they supported Jacob Frank in his final years, and then teamed up with Moses Montefiore to achieve. Frank, in a claimed previous incarnation, went to the Muslim Ottoman Sultan to request that Palestine be given to the Jews, but the Sultan refused. But during WW1, the Jews extracted a deal with the British Empah when that Empah was destined to defeat after the Empah had engineered the war to destroy Germany. That deal was that the Jews could bring the isolationist USA into the war on the side of the British, but the price was Palestine. Britain agreed through The Balfour Declaration. Since then Great Britain has been beholden to the Zionists.

Perhaps this is why King Edward VIII was a Nazi?

I know some neighbourhoods which are 100% Jewish!!

I also know some Zionists who were in charge of the conveniently AWOL US military on 9/11...

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