
Monday, February 01, 2016


According to this article, Gump has talked with Michael Flynn who a few months ago said that in his opinion the creation of Islamic State was a willful decision taken by the Obama administration. Flynn was head of the US DIA which proposed in 2012 that a Salafist entity should be created to isolate President Bashar al Assad of Syria.

But Gump's chief adviser is Sam Clovis, who is actually a teacher, but just before he was appointed to that position was actually campaigning, speaking and writing against Gump as the adviser to Rick Perry.

But don't get your hopes up.

Sadly, the article also states that Gump has been talking with these two Zionist clowns: Daniel Pipes; and Israel’s current envoy to the UN Danny Danon.

But other experts have regular interactions with Trump, including former Defense Intelligence Agency head Gen. Michael Flynn. Flynn, who has also met with other Republican presidential candidates, told me that Trump was a “superb listener” who asked “exceptional questions” and was interested in detail on a wide range of world issues.

“This guy is really switched on and has a strong understanding of what's going on in the world,” said Flynn. "I walked away with a much stronger impression of him than I had previously."

Sources close to the campaign told me Trump has also spoken with controversial historian Daniel Pipes and Israel’s current envoy to the UN Danny Danon, among others.

[source : The Trump Doctrine Revealed, Bloomberg View,, 31st January 2016]

The Gump Doctrine is not actually revealed. The article tries to equate The Gump Doctrine with that of Ronald Reagan, and concludes:
Trump’s foreign policy doctrine may be undecipherable from his public statements, and once articulated by his advisers it may be somewhat unsatisfying to experts. But it does exist. And it shows that as president, he would alter America's global role in major way.

So what was US foreign policy under Reagan?

Lots of invasions of Latin America in order to maintain and enforce America's fascism against popular uprisings described by the CIA media as Communist insurgenices.

Reagan belatedly and reluctantly took action against South Africa.

Reagan supported the despot Suharto in Indonesia after Suharto had invaded East Timor (under Kissinger) in 1975.

So if Gump's foreign policy is indeed similar to that of Reagan then we can expect trouble.

But I am very disturbed that Gump is talking to Pipes and Danon.

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