
Friday, October 12, 2018


Merchant of death Bomber Drumpf is a traitor.

For years Drumpf used cheap Communist Chinese sweatshops, and encouraged his daughter Ivanka to base the supply chain for her global fashion business in China.

Drumpf claims that he is the biggest Zionist on the planet, after Israel was involved in the assassinations of JFK and RFK, attacked the USS Liberty and killed 34 US military personnel, and then did the biggy: 9/11.

And Drumpf sold out to Saudi Arabia, who also did 9/11 with Israel, faster than Alex Jones can hire a creep to spy on and stalk his ex-wife Kelly, and faster than a Korean charlatan can steal my work.

Drumpf also saluted the rotting putrid corpse of slavery-lover, Godfather of the Confederacy, traitor, and one of the most powerful slave-holders ever, President Andrew Jackson.

So what did West do yesterday?

He lost it.

Completely lost it.

He hugged the Oval Office...while a portrait of Jackson was on the wall and a bust of British Imperialist Winston Churchill was just a few metres away.

Beginning to wonder if West also works for the same network of U S Military Intelligence as Drumpf and Infowars.

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