
Thursday, October 11, 2018


Ahed Tamimi slapped an Israeli soldier across his face. She spent 8 months in prison.

Perhaps in a universal synchronisation, while Ahed was in prison, Elor Azaria, who shot in the head and killed an unarmed, defenceless Palestinian, was released after serving just 9 months of an already very lenient 14-month prison sentence for the manslaughter of Abdul Fatah al-Sharif.

Yes, al-Sharif had tried to kill an Israeli soldier.

But there is obviously 2 kinds of justice in Israel/The Occupied Territories: one for Palestinians; one for Israelis.

People all over the world need to very quickly understand that we are all victims of that first kind of justice.


Because of World War 1.

The British monarchy and Freemasonry engineered WW1. Now, whether the Zionists convinced the British monarchy to do this, I don't know. It's possible, but I can't be sure. Icke says it is all planned but cannot produce the letter in which this plan is allegedly laid out.

But the Zionists created the Federal Reserve in December 1913. By August 1914 the world was at war, with the British needing a massive source of finance.

And by 1916 the British were seriously losing the war due to German U-boats sinking merchant ships transporting goods from the USA to Great Britain.

Germany was offering peace, even suggesting that we should go back to pre-war borders.

But the Zionists convinced the British monarchy to reject peace offers because the Zionists said they could get the USA into the war on the side of the British, but in return the Zionists wanted Palestine as a Jewish homeland. So the British rejected peace offers and continued the war. In April 1917 the USA joined the war citing the sinking by a German U-boat in 1915 of The Lusitania, a sinking engineered by Winston Churchill and Rothschild puppet J P Morgan. And in reciprocal, per the so-called Gentleman's Agreement, in November 1917 the British issued The Balfour Declaration, in which the British Government expressed their sympathy for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, but only if the rights of Palestinians were respected.

After WW1 the British were awarded the mandate of Palestine, and encouraged and allowed mass Jewish immigration of Jews into Palestine. The British even allowed the Nazis to transfer German Jews to Palestine!

Clearly the rights of Palestinians have been flushed down the toilet.

There is:
1. the Zionist backing of the Nazis through the Warburgs;
2. the collaboration, the Haavara, between the Nazis and the Zionists in Nazi Germany to use scare tactics to scare German Jews into migrating to Nazi Germany, which failed;
3. and then after WW2, and the alleged Holocaust of 6 million Jews, the Zionist terrorists, financed by amongst others the Jewish mob in the USA, terrorised Palestinians off their lands and farms into the 2 largest refugee camps: The West Bank, and Gaza.

So it's not just the Palestinians who are the victims of Zionism.

It's us. The British. The Germans. The Austrians. The Hungarians. The Americans. The Russians. The French. Everybody.

Just think if peace had been achieved in 1916 without the Zionists?


In 1916.

The Americans wouldn't have joined the war.

No Bolshevism, and thus no Communist murder machine.

But generally, less dead, less mourning, less everything.

That's why there should be a Tamimi Institute, and based across the road from Rothschild & Co.

Because we are all victims of Rothschild Zionism.

And if Rothschild & Co. move then move the Tamimi Institute to across the road from their new location.

Yes, The Tamimi Institute would put supporting Palestinian rights first. But it must also expose that the whole world is victim to Zionism, due to WW1, which was prolonged by 2 more bloody years of slaughter, just so the Zionists could be given Palestine as a Jewish homeland.

And it is the likes of Ahed who suffer that same Zionism today.

The Tamimi Institute.

Let's make it so.

Across the road from Rothschild & Co.

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