
Friday, April 05, 2019


The Zionists are trying to establish a world government in Jerusalem.

That's why our nations are being encouraged to move their embassies to Jerusalem.

That's why they got Trump elected, to destroy the United Nations, among other purposes.

And that's why they're currently destroying the EU.

The whole current global power structure is being destroyed. Order out of chaos. World government based in Jerusalem, with no competitors. USA under control. Russia under control. EU not under control. So destroy the EU.

Why is the EU not under control?

Iran. Occupied territories.

The conspiracy-theory community has been hijacked to oppose the current global system to support and usher in the new Jerusalem-based system. Note the sell-out of Infowars..

Why is massive Bilderberg Zionist Rupert Murdoch driving Brexit and getting Trump elected?

Why else would Netanyahu threaten the EU that they obey Israel or whither and die?

If the EU was more obedient to Israel then perhaps it would not be under attack while the Jerusalem-based system was brought in.

But the EU has gone rogue: the USA is Zionist; Russia is too.

Remember James Paul Warburg's prophetic statement: "We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."

But note : Warburg did not state where this world government would be based. The assumption has been that the United Nations in New York is to be that world government.

But the United Nations opposes Israel in a very big way.

But Know More News is producing strong/very strong evidence that the world government that Warburg was talking about is to be based in Jerusalem instead. Which would make total sense.

Hence any potential global-scale competitor to this new system must be under control.

The EU is not under control. The EU opposes Israel's policies: on Gaza; on Iran. Perhaps this is due to the Nazi heritage of the EU?

But the USA and Canada are totally under control.

And Russia is under much more control than some would like to believe (no opposition to the 9/11 PNAC wars or the systematic ethnic cleansing of Gaza, etc).

South America is about to go Zionist under Bolsonaro, and potentially Guaido in Venezuela.

Australia is Zionist (as Icke's recent revoked visa shows, he would claim).

So the only other global-scale entity is Africa. Gaddafi was very anti-Zionist. Gaddafi is now worm food (allegedly).

I am allowed to think differently to your friendly neighbourhood perverts David Icke and Captain Pervert, aren't I?


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