
Thursday, April 04, 2019


During the engineered war on Gaza by Israel in 2014, Israel killed approximately 500 children.

Ezra Levant organised a rally in support of this infanticide.

Captain Pervert kinda sorta opposed this infanticide by publishing only 1 video, in which he mocked Israel's 'right to defend itself' after Israel shelled and killed 4 Palestinian children for the horrific crime of playing football on the beach.

So you'd think that Captain Pervert and Levant would be enemies. Right?


In 2016 both somewhat bizarrely backed Trump: Levant was and presumably still is the most powerful Zionist journalist in Canada; Infowars sold out to the extreme rightist Zionist network that did 9/11.

So in 2016 when Infowars and Levant's Rebel TV hooked-up there really was love in all their eyes as they gazed into each other's eyes over t'internet and laughed at each other's jokes. Levant retweets basically every girly-voiced, bulging-eyed rant that Captain Pervert produces. And Captain Pervert re-tweets those re-tweets, like it's some kind of badge of honour.

I've recently been mocking this bizarre relationship between Levant and Captain Pervert. But it now looks like Levant is ready confess: It's apparently 'journalistic jealousy'.

Say what?

Yep. 'Journalistic jealousy'.

How can you be a journalist but also organise a rally in support of Israel killing 500 children?

Nope. Sorry. You've got to be a propagandist to do that, m8.

Very much like Captain Pervert, who at first claimed Israel did 9/11 and runs terror, but then sold out to Israel and now blames events like 9/11 and virtually everything else on leftists, mooslims and immigrants for U S Military Intelligence!

Yeah! I know! The very same intels he accused of 9/11!!

Infowars made a fortune from blaming 'The New World Order' (Israel, UK, USA, Saudi Arabia, etc) for everything. This network is overwhelmingly run by white Anglo-American-Zionist males with a strong belief in extreme corporatist capitalism.

So what happened?

Why blame the white-extreme-capitalist-Zionist-dominated 'The New World Order' to suddenly blame leftists, mooslims and immigrants?

Roger Stone happened, that's what.

Stone enabled 9/11 and the PNAC wars. Stone enabled the financial crisis of 2007/8.

Coz Stone is the rightist globalist fixer. And Captain Pervert might be being groomed to be his protege.

But note : Stone was allegedly also the homosexual lover of the deep, dark Zionist CIA agent Roy Cohn, who Trump called his "greatest friend". Cohn also ran paedophile networks for the CIA and was also the liaison between the CIA and the Mob. I hope Captain Pervert's family are taking note of all this: paedophile networks; the mob; 9/11.

It's all Zionist murder and manipulation.

It's all sick.

It's all perverted.

It's all BS.

It has to stop. And stop now.

Reminder: Levant employed Captain Pervert's best mate, Mossad agent Tommy Robinson. Robinson is now being groomed to lead UKIP!

And what does Levant mean by "the best"?

The best pervert?

The best sell-out to Israel?

The best U S Military Intelligence propaganda merchant?

The best thief and burglar?

All of the above?


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