
Tuesday, July 09, 2019


It looks like it.

The GDP of the USA is currently this (from the World Bank):

Note that blip around 2008/9. That's MAGA maggot Paul Joseph Watson's mate Roger Stone's work after Stone scuttled Eliot Spitzer's investigations into corrupt Wall Street practices to enable the financial crisis of 2007/8.

But apart from that blip, there is the suggestion of a smooth, gradual increase in GDP. Nothing dramatic as the White House changes hands. As if the American economy has a life of its own (unless the Roger Stones of this world have been ordered by the extreme rightist Zionists to do something).

But it's the national debt that matters.

It's no good being able to bring in business to raise revenue if all the resulting taxation from that business goes to paying off debt.

Trump added $2 trillion to the national debt in just 2 years!!


Massive tax cuts for the rich and corporations, plus a massive increase in military spending (and his sponsors U S Military Intelligence are grateful, but he could have done more, eg lots of shiny new low-yield nukes).

Here's the US national debt v GDP (basically outgoings v income):


What can we take from this?

1. until around 1980 the USA was successfully paying off its debts from WW2;
2. but then Reagan was elected and he spent big time on the military;
3. that continued under Bush 41 due to war on Iraq in 1991;
4. but Clinton paid off the debt in a BIIIG way, with not just a few dollars per week, it was trillions per year!! Plus the peace deal he brokered between Israel and the Palestinians in the Oslo 1 Accords, which resulted in both Arafat and Rabin being assassinated and Clinton mired in a sex scandal due to Mossad agent Lewinsky;
5. then under W there was 9/11 and the war in Iraq;
6. then MAGA maggot's mate Roger Stone did his thing again, this time the 2007/8 financial crisis, which eventually stabilised under Obama around 2012/3;
7. but then a relatively small acceleration in debt under Trump due to his tax cuts for the rich and corporations, and massive spending on the military.

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