
Tuesday, July 09, 2019


Saudi Arabia has this year executed more people than during the same period of last year!

Meanwhile, on MAGA maggot Captain Pervert's U S Military Intelligence media outlets: but, but, but. Milkshakes!

Or should that actually be: but, but, but. Milk-Sheiks!

Trump: sold out to the Saudis despite suggesting the Saudis did 9/11; allied with the Saudis (who did 9/11 and unleashed the cutthroat Jihadis) against Iran (who didn't do 9/11 and is fighting those Saudi-run cutthroat Jihadis); is flogging the Saudis as many weapons as they want to cause that horrific humanitarian crisis in Yemen affecting all those innocent children; and now this, Saudi Arabia chopping the heads off double the number of people, including a kid who was arrested when he was just 16 for protesting against the government.

This is why Paul Joseph Watson (or should that be Wats-in or Wat-sin) is such a MAGA maggot. He sold us Trump as our saviour. But his hero Trump is generating so much death and misery in the Middle East, and yet Infowars and the MAGA maggot love him!! Absolutely, unconditionally love him. It's not just the head-choppings. It's not just Yemen. It's Gaza. It's The West Bank. And soon it'll be Iran. Coz there's no way Trump can refuse his masters, Adelson, Murdoch and the Zionist U S Military Intelligence. They bought the White House for him after Obama stalled their war on Iran through the JCPOA. Trump must deliver. Or he'll be brought down in a big MFing way, and be left penniless to flog locks of his hair for a KFC.

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