
Thursday, July 15, 2021


The new prisons that are being built, primarily in England, are the result of a scheme announced in late 2015 by Osborne and Gove, and it was called The Prison Estate Transformation Programme. The plan was to close the ancient Victorian prisons in city centres, sell the land for a small fortune, and build several new prisons in their place from the sale proceeds. The new prisons would be for those of low risk and/or  who were about to be released. Hence the classrooms and workbenches to help prisoners learn new skills for their release. Apparently there has been a lot of groundbreaking research into the design of these new prisons.

The scheme was announced in late in 2015 but did not start until the following year. However by mid-2020 there had only been about 200 new places built, so the construction of the new prisons in this scheme is being rapidly accelerated.

A few days ago Alex Jones got so excited about this after a caller named Chelsea (or Chelsey) phoned in to The Alex Jones Show claiming that new prison towns are rapidly springing up around England.

So it may just be a coincidence that the prisons in the Prison Estate Transformation Programme are now being built at the same time as Covid.

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