
Thursday, July 15, 2021


Alex Jones is a Confederate. His family is as Confederate as you can get: they founded the extremely racist Republic of Texas in 1836; they fought at the rank of colonel and general in the Confederate Army to defend negro slavery; they founded the Texas branch of the Ku Klux Klan; Alex defends, protects and defends the Confederacy by claiming the U S Civil War was about a tariff when all Ordinances of Secession cite the defence of negro slavery as the prime cause, and in most cases, the only cause, with only one citing a tarrif but only as a minor cause.

Alex Jones blames everything on Communism. Shortly after 9/11 he blamed 9/11 and everything bad on the New World Order, but to get Trump elected he blamed 9/11 and everything bad on leftists, muslims and immigrants, ie Communists and Communism.

But what is the difference between the Confederacy, that Alex loves and protects and defends, and Communism?

The Confederacy enslaved a race of people, kept them in extreme poverty, flogged them, worked them to death, sold them and their children as property, sexually abused slaves, so that a small number of extremely rich white folks could live the life of luxury.

Alex Jones defends, protects and promotes that racist, elitist lifestyle that benefited a very rich and very white top layer of white society in the Southern states of the Yoonited States 'Murica. Yeee Haw!

So why is Alex so concerned about Communism? What is the difference between the Confederacy and Communism?  

And is one system 'better' than the other?


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