
Friday, January 06, 2006

Another kick in the teeth for the paper dollar

It looks like China is going to add to the decline of the paper dollar (for that's what the Federal Reserve creates, paper money).

I recently read the US government is going to hit its debt ceiling in March i.e. reach its credit limit. The Federal Reserve is a cartel of privately-owned banks and does not have to extend the ceiling.

If Iran is selling oil in euros, China is dumping the dollar, and in March the ceiling is not raised then this year is going to be deadly.


China signals reserves switch away from dollar
By Geoff Dyer in Shanghai and Andrew Balls in Washington
Published: January 5 2006 20:13 Last updated: January 6 2006 02:43

China indicated on Thursday it could begin to diversify its rapidly growing foreign exchange reserves away from the US dollar and government bonds – a potential shift with significant implications for global financial and commodity markets.

Economists estimate that more that 70 per cent of the reserves are invested in US dollar assets, which has helped to sustain the recent large US deficits. If China were to stop acquiring such a large proportion of dollars with its reserves – currently accumulating at about $15bn (€12.4bn) a month – it could put heavy downward pressure on the greenback.

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