
Friday, January 06, 2006

The Hajj: The Muslim's Duty to throw stones at obelisks

It's the Hajj this month. Thousands of Muslims will be professing allegiance to Allah, walking around a big black stone and throwing stones at obelisks. The images above show what I am talking about. There are three obelisks and everyone should throw seven stones in a particular order at each obelisk, one on 11th , the second on 12th and and the final obelisk on the 13th night.

Apparently the obelisk represents Satan.

So what do we find in the capial of the United States of America, Washington DC?

This is the Washington Monument, the largest obelisk on Earth. It was named after George Washington who was a Freemason, laid the cornerstone for the Capitol in a freemasonic ceremony, and was inaugurated in a Freemasonic ceremony. The Cornerstone for the Washington Monument was also laid during a freemasonic ceremony.

Other obelisks are in Rome, with one in St Peters Square, London and Paris.
A plaque was added to the cornerstone of the Capitol, and the engraving referred to "...the year of Masonry 5793"

Do you get the feeling there is something ancient going on, with this "war on terrorism"?


  1. The obelisk in London was brought from the ruins of ancient Egypt.
    The obelisk in mecca were created because of the huge numbers attending the Haj. They had to create a suitable symbol for throwing thier stones.
    heck out History before jumping to conclusions.
    Your research is shallow.
    By the way, in many islamic countries it ispeople who have stones thrown at them.
    This is often done in Iran against women who have supposedly commited adultery.
    They are buried up to the waist and then stoned to death by the crowd of faithful under the auspices of a local religious scholar.

  2. What would you say if you knew that the Obelisk in Meccah was changed into a wall, and as well known about the Kings of Saudi Arabia they were descended from a jewesh family who got into Islam back in the years .. its a huge game we are not in it and the war on terrorism is well planned looong long ago

  3. Another name for a four sided pillar is the Obelisk. Pillars have always been worshiped as gods. In Egypt, the obelisk stood for the sun god. The New Age Magazine had an article by 33° Mason, Henry Ridge Evans, in which he said that Osiris, the god of the underworld, was also depicted in the form of a pillar.
