
Monday, April 17, 2006


I recently concentrated four years of part-time research into what is known as The New World Order in a blog entry called "A PRIMER IN CONSPIRALOONACY".

In that blog entry I stated that certain people in this world have the power to create money, money money for themselves, their friends and cronies, and for dictators and wars, while the rest of us must work increasingly like PoWs just to have enough left over for a brief holiday somewhere in the sun.

When I first learned that the power to create money is not in the hands of the government but is instead in the hands of private individuals I was very angry, for I then saw how a global conspiracy could be financed.

When I read what the people who have this tremendous power of life and death have done, at first I didn't believe it. I didn't think anyone could be that organised, but more importantly also have that evil force inside of them to drive them and commit the alleged crimes against humanity.

Instead of either 1) instantly dismissing the allegations, or 2) taking the allegations as stated, I checked them out.

I checked out if indeed Fractional Reserve Banking is in operation by asking the Bank of England if it was true. They replied that indeed it was.

I checked out the allegation that the Bolshevik Revolution was financed and controlled by Wall Street and the City of London. see Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony C Sutton.

I checked out the allegation that Soviet Russia was virtually built by the West (USA, UK and Germany). see Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development by Antony C Sutton

I checked out the allegation that Nazi Germany was also financed and created by Wall Street and the City of London. see Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Antony C Sutton, Trading with the Enemy; The Nazi - American Money Plot 1933-1949 by Charles Higham, and George Bush; The Unauthorized Biography by Webster Tarpley.

I checked out the allegation that British Intelligence through Giuseppe Mazzini's Young Europe and Freemasonry were intimately involved in the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria. see The Secret Powers Behind Revolution by Vicomte Leon de Poncins, and the outstanding works by Webster Tarpley on Giuseppe Mazzini and British Intelligence during the 19th Century.

Besides these I checked out Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley, The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin, The Rockefeller File and None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen, and Secrets of The Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins.

With all this read and processed, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that what I wrote in "A PRIMER IN CONSPIRALOONACY" is true. But it also makes sense. It explains how Great Britain and the USA have come to dominate the world so. It is nothing to do with being chosen by some God, or serendipity, and everything to do with manipulation, fraud, murder and genocide.

Hence the inverted, incomplete and irregular pentagram directly to the North of the White House.

It doesn't matter if the people with this power to create money claim to be Jews, Hindus, or Martians. What they have done is just plain WRONG! When you understand what they have done (and I urge readers, particularly readers with interests in "secret history", to read all the aforementioned books and authors) then you see through these self-appointed money masters. You see through their manipulating and lying.

As with all things it's taking that first step into the unknown. I was apprehensive at first, for I couldn't quite believe that what was alleged could ever be concealed.

But can you guess who owns the news outlets and publishers? clue: they can create lot and lots of money to buy news outlets and publishers.

Can you also guess who tempts politicians with cushy posts as advisors and consultants? clue: they can create lot and lots of money to own corporations and think tanks who can employ powerful politicians after office.

Take that first step today.


  1. Joke over. You are having some kind of comedy experiment but it is bad taste to go to research and victims blogs to see if women take you seriously or whatever.Enough.

  2. Are you seriously suggesting that the reason I am posting this stuff is to impress women? What kind of person would make that suggestion?

    Whoever you really are, and I have my suspicion, go read just one of those books mentioned, or ask the Bank of England who creates the money. Yes, the BoE prints and coins it, but the private banks are the ones who actually create it out of thin air. Are you not even a little bit disturbed that a select few can create money for themselves, friends, cronies and for whatever sick, evil, megalomaniac purposes they want, while you, me, our friends and family have to work for 40, 50, 60, even 70 hours a week and have little time for much else? If not, then I can only assume that you work for them.

    JC, if it's not verbal abuse, it's alleging I'm some sort of sex pest.

    GO READ THAT RESEARCH LITERATURE and stop making such silly suggestions.

    Tell me, did any of your ancestors die in World Wars 1 or 2? If so, aren't you angry that those wars did not just occur out of the blue, but were planned and financed by certain circles in British society to increase their control?

  3. Would you explain the mashed potato and rotten tomato conspiracy in your next post.

  4. Sorry smashed potato and rotten tomato conspiracy. The recent MI5 episode.

  5. I never said you were a sex pest. You must have that on your concience as well as world peace.

  6. I'll assume you are just taking a break from deciding which terrorist attack to allow next.

    Hmm. Decisions, decisions,...
