
Sunday, April 16, 2006

THE SEQUENCE OF EVENTS (a brief intro to British Foreign Policy in the Middle East)

1. create and control a nasty, terrorist strain of Islam through an agent called Hempher
2. create and sustain a colony within Islamic territory for Jews (Israel), leading to anger within Muslim community and young, angry men and women joining this nasty strain of Islam
3. arm that colony (Israel) with nukes
4. have your terrorists make a number of attacks on this colony over the years so they get a name for themselves
5. then run a false-flag op on your soil, have your terrorists blamed for the terrorism, and invade the region
6. create a furore over a country seeking a peaceful nuclear power process (Iran)
7. invade said country (Iran) to stop it from producing nukes
8. said country (Iran) then attacks the colony (Israel)
9. the colony (Israel) then nukes said country (Iran)
11. when war ends form a totalitarian world government to stop wars that you created

This is the sequence of events I see happening. Do you see how long range this has been? Hempher created Wahhabism in the early 19th Century, 200 years ago! It may go back further than that to the beginning of Islam.

When I talk of 'Britain' and 'British' I do not mean the British people. I refer to an elite based in London who control Britain from behind the scenes and are after control of the whole world. Previous attempts at world government have been The League of Nations and The United Nations.

Is it natural to want to rule the world? Possibly. If someone came up to me and said, "Here you go, dude. Take control of the world", I wouldn't say no. If I ruled the world it would be very much different to what it is today.

But am I prepared to kill people for it? NO.

But I can guess that some people 1) do want to rule the world and enslave everybody, and 2) are prepared to kill, kill, kill to achieve that goal.

But what sort of psychological make-up would such a group of people have?

I will bring to your attention the inverted, irregular and incomplete pentagram to the north of The White House in Washington DC.

If they can put that there then they mean business. Big, bloody, warmongering, terrorist business.



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