
Wednesday, December 05, 2007


That's what that b&"*^%rd Blair said when he moved into No. 10 10 years ago.

But apparently our youth, those who will vote in the next series of governments in the decades to come, have slipped down the world education league tables.

However, do not fear for the sort of people we are bringing up, for they can buy booze which is cheaper than water, then batter a guy to death when he asks them to stop their drunken rowdiness, and then go and play a video game called "kill and torture as many virtual people as you can v. 3.0", and then watch some soft porn on MTV.

Just what sort of psyche will our kids have when they grow up?



Billions spent on education, but British schools slump in the world league
By LAURA CLARK - More by this author »

Last updated at 23:58pm on 4th December 2007

Britain has nosedived down the world education league despite billions of pounds of extra spending on schools, an international study revealed yesterday.

The findings are the third in a week to highlight falling education standards in a country with a schools budget that has risen to more than £50billion a year.

Our schools now stand at 24th in a table of teenagers' achievement in maths, level with Poland and down from eighth in six years.

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