
Monday, December 03, 2007


I have posted about Kasparov’s The Other Russia before.

Here are the members of The Other Russia from The National Endowment for Democracy;
Frank Conatser
Nadia Diuk
Carl Gershman
Marc Schliefer
John Squier

Other persons of interest;
Anthony Russell Brenton, Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Russian Federation
Richard C Holbrooke, Council on Foreign Relations
Michael McFaul, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Dick Morris, Political Adviser
Bruce Jackson, President, Project on Transitional Democracies, and PNAC

The aim of The Project on Transitional Democracies is
"The Project on Transitional Democracies has been organized to exploit the opportunities to accelerate democratic reform and integration which we believe will exist in the broader Euro-Atlantic region over the next decade. The Project is a multi-year endeavor aimed at accelerating the pace of reform in Europe's post-1989 democracies and advancing the date for the integration of these democracies into the institutions of the Euro-Atlantic.”

i.e. the aim of The Project on Transitional Democracies is to assimilate as much as the former Soviet Empire into the NATO/EU sphere as fast as possible. Hence its name.

So when Putin accuses us of interfering in Russian politics is he correct? Christ, Ambassador “Big Mouth” Brenton is a member of The Other Russia!! “Big Mouth” says nothing of the NED/PNAC/CFR influence on The Other Russia.

As long as we have the NWO in Washington and London, we can never play fair. We can never play by the rules, because they don’t. They have proven themselves beyond doubt to be very mentally sick and evil. They engineered, financed and profited sickeningly from WW1 and WW2. They invaded Iraq in 2003 and killed a half million, and at least double that during the 1990’s, just in Iraq alone! This shows they are prepared to do anything to get what they want, and that is total global domination of all of the world’s people and its natural resources.

So when United Russia gets 62% of the vote, implying Putin’s rule for several more years at least, you can bet these NED/PNAC/CFR guys are pissed off. I don’t know whether to believe all or some of the allegations made against the voting procedures in Russia, but I am willing to bet a significant portion are false, and the others are true, if only to protect the Russian people from the NWO!

Who is trying to stop war on Iran?

Who is correctly accusing NATO of mission creep?

Who is correctly accusing BushCheney & Co of preparing another 9/11 or Pearl

Who is correctly accusing BushCheney & Co of installing missiles in Poland that can be easily turned from defence against Iran to offence against Russia?

Who is hated by the people we hate?

Nobody is perfect. Nobody is all things to all men and women. But at the moment, I believe we should consider the following very closely; my enemy’s enemy is my friend.

Of course, I may be wrong. Putin may be one of them, requiring the threat of NATO etc to remain in power to build a bigger police state. But the only concentration camps I hear about are those in the USA built by Wackenhut to be filled with Americans after the very Pearl Harbour event Putin is warning us of.

But if Putin is one of them, why is he accusing BushCheney & Co. of preparing another Pearl Harbour for yet more American-instigated war? And how can he assimilate Russia into NATO after all he has said?

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