
Sunday, October 26, 2008


The News of the World has published a story about George Osborne, but the story is more interesting for the references to Rothschild and the rest of the Bullingdon Bullies. I actually felt a little sympathy for Oik Osborne, but he didn't have to hang around with that crowd.

To show that it's "them and us" the story about the striptease at Rothschilds' stately home Waddesdon Manor in Buckinghamshire, which descended into a cocaine-fuelled disturbing orgy, for which some of the very wealthy attendees refused to pay! At other times there was racist abuse.

As the interviewee says;
“They thought they could do what they wanted. They had money and arrogance. They thought there were no consequences, anything goes.”

It is still the case; anything goes, including ripping taxayers off for £500 billion to pay off their gambling debts to keep them in luxury.


Natalie was this week intrigued how, given their once close friendship, the damaging claims that today threaten Osborne’s political future actually came from financier Nat Rothschild, heir to a family baronetcy and a £500 million banking fortune. She recalled how the two students and their band of pals would head to the country for wild weekends.

“The Bullingdon Club thought they were untouchable,” she said. “They thought they could do what they wanted. They had money and arrogance. They thought there were no consequences, anything goes.”

She said the group’s bad behaviour came to a head in March 1994 at the Rothschilds’ stately home, Waddesdon Manor in Buckinghamshire. She thinks both Nat and Osborne were among the 40-strong party.

Natalie sent three strippers and was asked to make sure the women were “tall, dark and slim and with figures like Naomi Campbell.”

Around six grams of cocaine were also provided for the club members to snort. As well as stripping, it was made clear that the girls’ services would extend to “extras”—sex with guests.

But Natalie claims the party degenerated into a humiliating experience for the girls who were abused by some braying Bullingdon boys.

“The girls were made to feel like they were nothing,” she said. “They climbed on to the bar or a table and started to strip and gyrate. But the guests were mauling them and jeering. It was horrendous. The guys were trying to touch them and shouting abuse, throwing champagne and spitting.

“There was nothing decent in the way they treated the girls.

“Then it got down to who would sleep with who. Who was going to have the girls first.”

The woman were left shaken by the experience and enraged when one wealthy punter refused to pay the agreed £350 for his sex session.

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