
Friday, March 19, 2010


Blair has apparently been on a bunsen burner with South Korean oil field development company UI Energy.

The website of UI Energy provides some very revealing information.

Stephen Solarz and Keneth Adelman are named as current members of the board of advisors. Both were members of PNAC, and
in particular Adelman had an interest in the Middle East, Solarz in the Balkans.

But the UI page on the company goes even further, naming as advisors Frank Carlucci and John Abizaid, former Commander of CentCom
which covered the Middle East.


The corporation is making progress in various overseas energy development projects in the North America, where many potential energy developments are, and the Middle East, such as Iraq and Africa, where Korea companies have difficulty to enter into due to geopolitical and other political issues, through entering a partnerships with domestic, foreign and other global oil exploration companies with the highest qualifications.

... UI Energy Corporation is undertaking oil development business in Iraq through strategic business development where Korean companies had trouble in the past. When the global consortium for oil development of North Kurdistan region, Iraq, is established as Iraqi oil law is approved, the participation of UI Energy Corporation is determined and only the final finishing touch is remained.
So UI is paying these people for advice and to lobby so that a South Korean oil company can get into Iraq.

And Blair is on their payroll.

And Blair illegally invaded Iraq based on a pack of lies.

Very very interesting (and corrupt) indeed.

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