
Saturday, March 20, 2010


I am concerned about the recent reports regarding an interview with Dr. Alan Sabrosky.

The two non-US states we know for a fact that that are involved in 9/11 are not only Israel, but more importantly Saudi Arabia.

The alleged pilots were not Israelis...they were Saudis, by the majority.

Both Israel and Saudi Arabia are British entities, so 9/11 is more a British than an Israeli, operation.

There are undoubtedly Israeli fingerprints over 9/11, e.g. the dancing Israelis who later admitted they were close to the WTC on 9/11 to film the event, but they were not alone.

The Israeli factor regarding 9/11 was to drive the USA into a large scale war in the Middle East and Caspian, as requested by A Clean Break and PNAC's Rebuilding America's Defenses, lately recognised by Dr Sabrosky.

The Saudi faction, having been granted their power by the British during WW1, would not deny their benefactors any request,

So we have Rothschild, i.e.British, Israel, and a Saudi, i.e. British, Arabia.

The two came together on 9/11 to give terrorism to the USA on a massive scale
And the USA responded on a massive scale too!

Who is this Sabrosky anyway?

Surely it cannot have taken his alleged expertise nearly ten years to finally conclude, and incorrectly, that the Jews alone did 9/11?!

People, including alleged military historians, must realise that
1., Israel is a creation of the Rothschilds, who are gimps of the British monarchy
2. Saudi Arabia was created after Versailles as a puppet monarchy of the British
3. this makes total sense when it is understood that "the USA" has never been independent of the UK but merely the next phase in the plan which required a large amount of energy, hence the 'fond' relationship between British created Saudi Arabia and the British created USA

ps you MUST also understand that by British I mean Illuminati, and by Illuminati I mean that organisation created by Adam Weishaupt which amalgamated with Freemasonry, itself started 6000 years ago, at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad in 1782.

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