
Friday, July 29, 2011


Anders Breivik was once in the Army, he received mysterious amounts of money without having obvious employment, and before allegedly slaughtering approximately one hundred of his fellow white Norwegians (not Muslims) he lived alone(?) on a remote farm close to Norwegian military training grounds, he was reported to local police by two of his neighbours for suspicious activity, and built bombs using chemicals that brought him to the attention of the Norwegian terrorist cops, who subsequently put him on their watch list but apparently did not go to have a nice friendly little chat with him.

Oh, and not forgetting that someone changed his Facebook page after he had been arrested.

And not forgetting that chap who was shot dead at his home by two military types after reports from survivors of Breivik's alleged massacre suggested there was more than one gun man.


Anders Behring Breivik, Mystery Man, AntiWar, 29/07/2011
Police ignored neighbors’ concerns over Breivik, Russia Today, 28/07/2011
NORWAY TERROR LINKS TO GANGSTERS?, aangirfan blog, 27/07/2011

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