
Sunday, July 31, 2011


A poll run by Press TV, which I assume was answered by a predominantly Islamic readership, has possibly cast doubt on the claim that the fall of Rupert Murdoch is possibly in-fighting in the ranks of the Null World Order[1].

However the responses to the poll indicate a deep mistrust of British media, a mistrust which I believe is very, very well grounded, particularly as Blair is going to get pounded by Chilcot[2], and the British media rarely questioned anything he and the government said during the months before the folly into Iraq in 2003.
About 53% of the respondents said the outrage over phone hacking and bribery “is just the tip of the iceberg of the corruption in British media.”

Other results from the poll were
1) 27% said that the overshadowing corruption in the British system of governance was what allowed Murdoch to further his own interests.
2) 16 % said the recent revelations show “how the free media reflects the views of a select few.”
3) 4% held that the scandal was a means to force Murdoch to loosen his grip on the media outlets.

It is this last opinion that brings into question the hypothesis that Murdoch is being dumped by the Null World Order. But then being an atheist myself and assuming the respondents are religious to varying degrees perhaps the hypothesis that Murdoch is being dumped is true. Is it of significance that BSkyB managed to buy into Formula One very recently, when Murdoch expressed such an interest in doing so a few months ago, Murdoch launched his bid for BSkyB, then the hacking scandal really took off? I dunno. But Murdoch is being savaged, in the UK and the USA.

Press TV reporters stated
Murdoch, the Chairman and CEO of the sprawling News Corporation media conglomerate, was listed three times as one of the 100 most influential people in the world.

He has exploited his vast media empire to push war in Iraq, elect George W. Bush, spread resentment of Muslims and immigrants, and block global action on climate change.

[1] Poll: Murdoch scandal tip of iceberg, Press TV, 30/7/2011

[2] The damning of Tony Blair: Former PM to be held to account on Iraq in Chilcot report on war, The Daily Mail, 31/7/2011

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