
Thursday, July 14, 2011


A few days ago the undead George Soros wrote in the FT that Europe needs a Plan B. In his article Soros brazenly states that the Europe of today was planned immediately after WW2 and that the planners of then knew that the Europe of today would have to be created by stealth.

The European Union was brought into existence by what Karl Popper called “piecemeal social engineering”. A group of far-sighted statesmen, inspired by the vision of a United States of Europe, recognised that this ideal could be approached only gradually, by setting limited objectives, mobilising the political will needed to achieve them and concluding treaties that required states to surrender only as much sovereignty as they could bear politically. That is how the postwar Coal and Steel Community was transformed into the EU – one step at a time, understanding that each step was incomplete and would require further steps in due course.

The EU’s architects generated the necessary political will by drawing on the memory of the second world war, the threat posed by the Soviet Union and the economic benefits of greater integration.

Soros then begins to express his concern for the disintegration of Europe, and that Europe's leaders are defending the status quo instead of forging ahead with building the Bilderberg European Project (or should that be nightmare?)

If this seemingly inexorable process [of disintegration] is to be arrested and reversed, both Greece and the eurozone must urgently adopt a plan B. A Greek default may be inevitable, but it need not be disorderly. And, while some contagion will be unavoidable – whatever happens to Greece is likely to spread to Portugal, and Ireland’s financial position, too, could become unsustainable – the rest of the eurozone needs to be ringfenced. That means strengthening the eurozone, which would probably require wider use of Eurobonds and a eurozone-wide deposit-insurance scheme of some kind.

Soros ends his pro-European nightmare rant with this rallying cry to "True Europeans" to be as bold and as forward looking as Karl Popper and his ilk, and seek a "European solution" instead of national solutions.

Generating the political will would require a plan B for the EU itself. The European elite needs to revert to the principles that guided the union’s creation, recognising that our understanding of reality is inherently imperfect, and that perceptions are bound to be biased and institutions flawed. An open society does not treat prevailing arrangements as sacrosanct; it allows for alternatives when those arrangements fail.

It should be possible to mobilise a pro-European silent majority behind the idea that when the status quo becomes untenable, we should look for a European solution rather than national ones. “True Europeans” ought to outnumber true Finns and other anti-Europeans in Germany and elsewhere.

So what is a "True European"?

To me a "True European" is a sneaky, manipulating, lying traitor. Soros openly states in the first paragraph of his pro-European nightmare rant that the original architects of the EU nightmare knew their end goal was a United States of Europe but knew that such a union would not be accepted by the general European public so the union had to be created by stealth, by "piecemeal social engineering", i.e. manipulation and lies.

When Europeans, in an open society, have been given the opportunity and asked in a referendum if they wanted to join the EU/Euro they have clearly told the sneaky, manipulating, lying traitors to f off. But the sneaky, manipulating, lying traitors cannot take no for an answer so held another referendum and offered fake promises of riches and prosperity and streets paved with gold, and eventually got their yes.

Now look at Europe; a total complete fucked up continent in a twilight zone, neither a United States of Europe nor a set of independent but cooperating sovereign states, drowning in trillions of unpayable debt.

The Bilderberg European dream is the ordinary European's nightmare.

Anything the undead Soros supports cannot be good for the ordinary taxpaying law-abiding European man and woman in the street. It is time to dump the idea of a united Europe with a single currency in the bin.

[source : True Europeans now need a ‘plan B’, FT, 11/07/2011]

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