
Friday, July 15, 2011


"The wrong-doing of the powerful" is a phrase used today by multiple Bilderberger Martin Wolf, the associate editor of the Financial Times. Wolf has written in the FT that we should seize the chance that has now arisen due to the current outrage caused by the News of the World and restructure the media in this sceptred isle.

My preliminary views are that: the privacy of the powerless needs more protection and the wrong-doing of the powerful far less; redress against malicious coverage needs to be tougher, while preserving freedom of expression; rules on cross-ownership of media should be far tighter, with the mooted position of News International in both newspapers and television ruled out, a priori; the country should continue to support the BBC through stable funding, because it defines the notion of a public weal; and we should consider whether the public good of high-quality news gathering and analysis deserves public support.

[source : Seize the chance for media reform, FT, 14/07/2011]

This apparent call by Wolf for a new kind of media in Great Britain is astonishing, and quite hypocritical.

Wolf has attended the globalist elite meeting of all globalist elite meetings, Bilderberg, as has his FT colleague Gideon Rachman, on several occasions, and neither have written of "the wrong-doing of the powerful", of the plotting and scheming for global enslavement, war, mass genocide and fascist world government that Bilderberg dreams of.

We do indeed need a new media in Great Britain, and we could start by making it illegal for reporters to attend Bilderberg without reporting what wrong-doing the powerful are plotting and scheming against the ordinary law-abiding taxpaying muggins British man and woman in the street. This crime would be punishable with ten years in the same cell as Josef Fritzl.

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