
Tuesday, March 27, 2012


It all fits very nicely into the plan as revealed by General Wesley Clark that was to be implemented after the mother of all inside jobs, 9/11.

Iraq. Sudan. Lebanon. Libya. Currently Syria. Soon Somalia. After that Iran (unless Mad Dog Nutternyahu attacks first).

And who is the boogeyman? Al Qaeda. Yes, the same al Qaeda we assisted in Libya and are now supporting in Syria.

I'm sure it has nothing to do with all that top grade oil off the coast of Somalia.

Ever get the feeling you're being mugged off?

Britain's national security policy in the Middle East is moving away from Pakistan and Afghanistan, Britain's national security advisor has said.

Sir Kim Darroch told the joint committee on national security strategy that recent developments are shifting national security policy towards Yemen and Somalia.

Responding to a question about whether Afghanistan and Pakistan are still priorities given increased stability, Sir Kim told the committee: "The terrorist threat from Afghanistan is diminished. We don't want to tempt fate but it isn't what it once was".

He continued: "Al-Qaida's power in Pakistan has diminished, and the threats from instability in Yemen and Somalia are growing."

Sir Kim said that the weakness of governments in Yemen and Somalia and their inability to contain Islamist militants tied to al-Qaida means that they are considered more of a threat to British national security than Afghanistan.

[source : UK security focus shifting to Yemen and Somalia,,, 27/03/2012]

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