
Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Last year was dominated by Libya. What was said would take just several days eventually took several months, ending with the assassination of Gaddafi on 20th October.

It all began well before it officially began. Gaddafi was portrayed as the Devil Incarnate. He was accused of the Lockerbie bombing, despite the overwhelming evidence that it was an operation to stop an investigation into drug smuggling by certain intelligence agencies. And with Libyan oil money had built Libya into the envy of the African continent. But then Tony Blair gave Gaddafi a hug when he renounced his WMDs and started sending his billions to Goldman Sachs in London. Gaddafi had been sucked into a spider’s web.

Officially the war on Libya was not a war but “humanitarian intervention”. Officially United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 adopted on 17th March gave the likes of NATO the authority to enforce a No Fly Zone over Libya to protect civilians. But within days the British media was laced with articles suggesting if not demanding the assassination of Gaddafi.

Over the Spring and Summer of 2011 tales of brutality poured out of Libya, implicating Gaddafi’s troops in mass executions, mass rapes while off their heads on Viagra, shooting up civilian housing with helicopter gunships, etc. It all turned out false.

But kept well out of the media was the very disturbing news that the Syrian rebs were actually al Qaeda! It was not until the end of the humanitarian intervention regime change that this filtered through to the front pages when the Syrian al Qaeda rebel military commander accused our intelligence services of sending him to Gaddafi to be tortured!

Meanwhile the question of Libya’s top grade oil was barely mentioned. It was all about killing the civilians to save them. But it leaked out that a special operation had been run out of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to manipulate the oil market to supply fuel to the Libyan al Qaeda rebs and block Gaddafi trading his oil on the market. This was run by Alan Duncan MP.

So Alan Duncan ran the Libya Oil Cell out of the FCO. Duncan is a member of the very secretive Le Cercle, which is perhaps even more conspiratorial than Bilderberg. Duncan had worked for and was good friends with Ian Taylor of Vitol. Vitol took the lead and was instrumental in supplying the Libyan al Qaeda rebs with refined oil products such as diesel while blocking the sale of Gaddafi’s oil, which led to Gaddafi’s fuel running out while the Libyan al Qaeda rebs had barrels of it. Duncan’s father worked for NATO. NATO bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed Libyan civilians to pave a path for the Libyan al Qaeda rebs which led all the way into Gaddafi’s compound in Tripoli.

On 20th October Gaddafi was assassinated.

On 2nd November Ian Taylor dined with Dodgy Dave.

When was the invite sent?

And I wonder if they raised a glass of champagne and toasted the assassin of Gaddafi?

Since that dinner Vitol has been awarded lucrative contracts with the Libyan government. I wonder who was thanking whom.

Now the Libyan al Qaeda rebs are raping, torturing and executing black Libyans, treating them like animals in cages while shouting “Allah U Akbar!” and demanding Sharia Law while their flags flutter in the North African breeze.

And we now know that, despite consistent official denials, British Special Forces were in Libya before it all began and they were at the front of the military campaign guiding, training and advising and God knows what else, the Libyan al Qaeda rebs.

Ever get the feeling you’ve been mugged off?

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