
Thursday, March 29, 2012


Haaretz is reporting that Ehud Barak has been forced to postpone any attack on Iran until next year at the earliest because he was told that a war games simulation of the result of an attack on Iran resulted in the deaths of 200 Americans, and such an attack without the support of the USA would mean that Israel would be responsible for those deaths.

So why postpone and not cancel?

Does this have anything to do with Syria kicking al Qaeda butt? Now even the MI6 colony a.k.a. Qatar is apparently against an attack on Iran, for now.

Damning U.S. war simulation forces Ehud Barak to reconsider attack plans; Americans pledge more money for Iron Dome antimissile system.

...According to a war simulation conducted by the U.S. Central Command, the Iranians could kill 200 Americans with a single missile response to an Israeli attack. An investigative committee would not spare any admiral or general, minister or president. The meaning of this U.S. scenario is that the blood of these 200 would be on Israel's head.

...For all intents and purposes, it was an announcement that this war was being postponed until at least the spring of 2013.

[source : Israel's plan to attack Iran put on hold until next year at the earliest, Haaretz,, 29/3/2012]

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