
Friday, March 30, 2012


The United Disunited Fascist Kingdom is to give £500,000 to the Syrian opposition, allegedly for non-lethal purposes.
Foreign Secretary William Hague will announce that he has agreed to provide half a million pounds of British support to Syria's political opposition.

This support includes agreement in principle for practical non-lethal support to them inside Syria.

...UK support is intended to help Syrian political oppositionists to:
*develop themselves as a credible alternative to Assad and his regime
*keep themselves safe against regime repression and violence by communicating effectively;
*get improved access to humanitarian assistance;
*develop the necessary capability to realise an orderly transition to a more democratic Syria;

[source : Foreign Secretary to announce support for Syrian political opposition, FCO,, 29/03/2012]

We already know that British Special Forces have been in and around Syria for months, if not for a year, trying to make Syria like Libya only bloodier.

Just what kind of devilry is this?

The definition of non-lethal certainly needs to be stated because tasers were classed as non-lethal but are killing an increasing number of people every year.

UN SCR 1973 was supposed to keep Libyan civilians "safe". Instead NATO bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed Libyan civilians to death paving a path for the Libyan al Qaeda rebs all the way into central Tripoli.

Russia Today asks other questions that need answering.
But questions are being raised over who exactly will receive the money, as the opposition within Syria is fractured. How this money will be used and who is to control the way it is spent also remains somewhat murky.

President Assad has been repeatedly telling other countries to stop sponsoring the opposition. Failing to respect this principle could therefore put the implementation of the six-point plan put forward by Kofi Annan at risk.

[source : UK to help Syrian opposition unite against Assad with £500,000, RT,, 30/03/2012]

So just as the Syrian government is asked to stop all fighting and withdraw its troops and weapons from places like the Independent Islamic Beheading Emirate of Homs, there are NATO and Arab League Special Forces on the ground in Syria, the opposition are being given lots of money allegedly for "non-lethal" purposes, and there are even discussions in the US Senate about openly arming and intervening on behalf of the Syrian opposition.
Senator John McCain introduced a new resolution on Syria Wednesday that calls for arming the Syrian rebels to fight the regime of Bashar al-Assad and establishing safe zones inside Syria.

The non-binding resolution stops short of calling for U.S. military intervention in Syria, which McCain and his co-sponsors support. The resolution is meant to build congressional support for some kind of direct intervention on behalf of the Syrian opposition.

[source : McCain Resolution Calls for Arming Syrian Opposition, Safe Zones, AntiWar,, 28/03/2012]

The whole point of this "six" point peace plan is that the six points apply to the Syrian government alone and none apply to the Syrian al Qaeda rebs. This will then give the Enemies of Syria lots of opportunities to claim that Assad violated the peace and then intervene more openly, perhaps even invading Syria.

I wish we knew the name of that plan revealed by General Wesley Clark. That plan named Iraq, Sudan, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Somalia and Iran. The first four have been sorted out. Syria is currently being sorted out. Somalia has recently come into the crosshairs. After the current Syrian government has been replaced then the real fireworks will begin over Iran.

So, just what kind of devilry is this?

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